Tolkien’s Middle Earth Art Grundtner

Good vs. Evil (You shall not pass!)
Watch over Middle Earth
The Dark Secrets of Night
We are Middle Earth


Welcome to Tolkien’s Middle Earth Art Grundtner!

Middle Earth Art is non-profitted FanArt in „fair use“. The characters are owned by Tolkien/Middle Earth Enterprises.

Die Figuren/Dioramen/Gemälde auf dieser Seite sind Unikate und reine Fan Art.

The One Ring
The One Ring

Middle Earth Dioramas: Gandalf w/Balrog, Cave Troll w/Aragorn, Bag End w/Gandalf & Frodo, Witch King on Fell Beast, Smaug w/Bilbo, Treebeard w/Orcs, Sauron’s Eye in Mordor

Sculptures from Nazgul, Gollum & Gandalf (polymaterials)

Middle Earth


The Master of Middle Earth
J.R.R.Tolkien The Master of Middle Earth
The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings
The Last Battle
